Monday, April 26, 2010

Seeing Through The Camera

The camera catches what we will not see if it were not there. It shows us how untrained the human eye is naturally. The camera is the most silent witness who always gets the story right. Sometimes it can lie to us on how we are seen as people in others eyes. With the proper lighting, make-up, and effects aka lies, cheats, and surrounding the camera can tell the biggest lie on how lives are lived. But that me speaking not the camera. The camera speak with images no word. Freeze motion, Action...of all being watch. it speaks a language that everyone can understand............."Life".........It always tells whats going to happen or come to pass. The life of a camera wether video or still shot is the greatest life of all. It does what many hope to achieve in life. That is something that is to get million to agknowledge what they present as a person or artist and it only needs one freeze frame or one video to accomplish it. Many humans hope for that but don't realize that a camera help accomplish what people see or think stardom is. The true advertisement of this life all begins "In the Eyes of the Camera".

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