Monday, May 10, 2010


Lies...false statements, roomers, stretching the truth. My generation sadly takes part in these silly games of lies that belittle their intelligence. They show that their is no difference between their ass and their face or their mind and their equipment between their legs whether you insert or get inserted in. Lies have no compromise. Their is no midpoint like religion your either in or out. What can I say eventually everyone will grow a pair and start speaking their mind. If you have a problem vocalize yourself. If your smart you"ll be able to do it while avoiding violence. Vocalize in a way that makes the other party think and realize your view because if you do it right and it still goes to violence at least you tried to settle it first. One lie leads to another and another so just face conflict head on and grow some nuts...Words for the grave...someone taught me that "IF I'M GOING TO THROW A STONE...DON'T HIDE MY HAND AFTER". Deal with the consequence...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

She Said...He Said

Enough!!! with the telephone games...All this He said She said stuff...Men and Women as a whole need to start just vocalizing themselves when they have to say something...Don't hold it in until the person you think, or better yet "know" will take offense to the comments being made about them...How do you call yourself an adult when you still take part in childish gossip events. Anything I say about someone I will verbalize to them if they ask me...If I think on it...I speak on it regardless the consequence...All this black on black, talk behind the back, off track, "ignorant" He said, She said acts of stupidity..Karma will come back to haunt whoever taunts it. You will get what you deserve because just think if you partake in the He said, she said someone is going to say you said. Then what I just said will come to pass and you will get what is destined to happen sooner or later. So what actually did He or She say?

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